Increases installation distance when blowing fiber optic micro cable.
Polywater Prelube 5000 is formulated exclusively for reducing frictional drag during the blowing of small diameter, fiber optic micro cable into microtube duct. Unique chemistry allows this lubricant to spread farther in the microduct and reduce friction at extremely low coating levels.
Polywater Prelube 5000™ reduces frictional drag during micro cable blowing and increases both distance and speed of the installation. It is specifically formulated for the installation of
small diameter, fiber optic micro cable into microtube duct. Prelube 5000 has a proven record with air-assisted installation of cable. Prelube 5000 has a unique chemistry that allows it to spread farther in the microduct
creating an ultra-thin coating. It remains effective after drying. Prelube 5000 is compatible with all types of communication cables and ducts.
Proper use of Prelube 5000 can lower the coefficient of friction and improve blowing distances. Data presented in an IWCS Symposium1 shows the effectiveness of proper lubrication. Field tests were completed using 3.9 mm diameter cables jetted into a broad selection
HDPE 7/5.5 mm microducts. Jetting distances were measured, and the coefficient of friction (COF) calculated. Use of lubrication had the following results:
• Lubrication improved jetting distance by 400 to 600%
• Lubrication reduced the calculated COF by 20 to 32%
This study shows that lubricating with specialty lubricants such as Prelube 5000 improves installation performance.
Prelube 5000 Lubricant is effective at very thin coating levels.